Gr. 5 Passives

This page complements units 22-24 covered in class.
Table of contents:
- Theory
- Practice

Passive reporting structures (theory and practice)

By or with? 

In the passive voice we use 

* BY with the agent to refer to by whom the action is being done. 

                    -> The door was opened by Jane. (Jane = agent)

* WITH to refer to the instrument, object or material that was used for something to be done. 

                    -> The door was opened with a key. (a key = the object that was used).

                    -> The pizza was made with salami, green pepers, and cheese. (salami, green peppers, and                             cheese are the material that was used)


When verbs take TWO OBJECTS like, for example, give somebody something or tell someone something, we can convert the active sentence into a passive one in two ways: 

a) by making the indirect (animate) object the subject of the passive voice sentence, which is also the usually preferred way.

b) By making the direct (inamimate) object the subject of the passive voice. 

    -> Rick gave me (indirect object) this book (direct object). 

                    = I was given this book by Rick. / This book was given to me by Rick.

Some of the verbs that take two objects are:    give    tell    send    show    bring    offer    pay

When the indirect object is alone after the verb in the passive voice sentence, it needs the preposition to.

If the indirect object of the active voice sentence is a personal pronoun, it as to be changed into a subject pronoun to be the subject of the passive voice sentence.

Subject        Object


You                you

He                him

She                her

It                   it

They             them

Click on the following link if you want to know more and practice!

Online practice

1) Passive practice. All verb forms. 

5) The passive: Verbs with two objects . Perfect English grammar
6)  Mixed passive voice exercise. Perfect English grammar
7) Write the passive voice version.
8) The causative (have / get) . Perfect English grammar
9) The passive in subordinate clauses Perfect English grammar
10) Different passive exercises English


Check out LIVEWORKSHEETS to revise irregular verbs

Irregular verbs, an interactive worksheet by cakmak

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